The japanese Society od dowsing

Osteopathy and Dowsing : A Practitioner's view

What is osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a manual therapy publicized by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still in 1870s.? The term "osteopathy" was coined from Greek term "Osteon" (bone) and "Pathos" (pathology, treatment).
Unlike other manual therapies that only adjust the positions of the bones, osteopathy practitioner uses his/her hands to provide a patient with medical treatment while holistically determining the relationship of all components of a human body by employing a wide range of anatomical and/or physiological knowledge of medicine including locomotors systems (such as skeleton), circulatory systems (such as artery, vein, lymph system etc.), cranial nervous system (that covers the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid).?

In the United States, the home of osteopathy, people get their education for osteopathy at the medical school.? The graduate will be certified as an osteopathic physician, who can treat the patient through medication and/or a simple surgery.?

In Europe, those who want to be the osteopathy practitioner will be educated in a university for four or more years to become an expert in the manual therapy.
When a client describes his/her symptoms and/or disorder, a properly trained osteopathy practitioner certainly checks not only the affected part (which is local) but the whole body of the client in order to locate problematic parts.? Then the practitioner evaluates whether the structure and the function (physiological movement) are normal or not, and takes the approach that will improve holistic wellness.?
Osteopathy treatment and its features
Osteopathy practitioner usually evaluates the following structure by palpation.

Norma facialis, spinal column, thorax (rib bone, breast bone)

Upper limb (collor bone, shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, finger)
Viscera (including brain)
Lower limb (hip joint, thigh, knee, lower leg, ankle, toe)
Dura matter (cranial dura matter, spinal dura matter)
Blood vessel, neural tube, lymph node
Osteopathy treatment not only resolves distortion of these structure and/or connection of tension.
Osteopathy practitioner gives treatment so that "breath and life force" are constantly supplied all over the structure and tissues of the client.? In this way, the practitioner allows the client to develop the mechanism by which the client can deal with and heal the disorder by his/her own life force; in other words, enabling a client to master how to self-regulate.
The skilled practitioner may refrain from physical treatment in order to focus more on fluidic (vibrational) treatment.
Modern medicine eliminates obscure words such as life force, energy etc. and attempts to describe the symptom by using graphical images and/or figures.? But, you know how so many people have disorder even if their images and numbers indicate that they are in good health!
Subtleness of osteopathy treatment
Osteopathy requires considerable years of training to master palpation.? The experienced practitioner can feel that the client has abnormality with a certain vertebra while palpating the client's head.
In addition, the skilled practitioner can feel, while palpating the client's foot, that the client has an abnormality of coccyx, and that such abnormality is related to a certain internal organ In other words, the osteopathy practitioner can catch the signal from the tissue or organ that has abnormality, no matter what part of client body the practitioner touches.
Osteopathy and Dowsing
I adopted dowsing (in particular, energy pendulum) in the osteopathy treatment for some time ago.
And I researched the relationship between the problem which I can detect through palpation and the problem which I can find by dowsing.
As a result, I concluded that even if it were dowsing or osteopathic palpation, osteopathy practitioner can detect similar physical (structural) problem to a certain extent.? I also noted that dowsing is helpful when the osteopathy practitioner wants to explore more holistic impact of the problem beyond the physical structure level.
For example, when you find a tension (fixation) around the lever of a client, you can explore deeper for

connection with energy system (meridian or chakra systems)

connection with subtle bodies (aura layers)
implication to mental and emotional aspects
connection with metabolic issues (malnutrition, toxin, intestinal environment, pathogen)
connection with living and working environment (in terms of the quality of the space)
by way of dowsing.
Then you can find and remedy many different stress factors surrounding the client. Now I recognize that adopting the dowsing has improved my osteopathy treatment to become more effective at deeper level.
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